I'm A. Joël Lamotte, also known online as "Klaim".
Most people online knows me as a programmer or game developer, but I'm also exploring other mediums artistically and technically.
This site gather most information you can find about me online, my projects and what I'm doing these days.
Feel free to contact me if you want to chat about games, music, comics, art, programming or if you want to collaborate on a project.
Last Update: 2025-01-01
🎸Music Composer🎼
I compose music and design sounds for games and videos
- My SoundCloud page
- My Youtube Channel (only a few improvisation videos at the moment)
- I made jingles for C++ Weekly Youtube channel in 2020
- I made waiting and background music for the COSY C/C++ conference
- I played in the band Odyssées between 2016 and 2019: odyssees-music.com.
- I am working on a solo music project
My Resume
- Current job: Quantstack (since February 2022)
- My StackOverflow Careers
- Professional contact: joel.lamotte@gmail.com
- You can find me on LinkedIn but I suggest to contact me directly instead.
My "Best Of" playlist on Soundcloud
Includes all kinds of music, from video game to composition for a band.
Game Developer / Designer
My main focus is on game design and most of my professional experience is in game (engine) code.
- A few of my games are available on Itch.io
- I am a member of HomeTeam GameDev where I participated to a lot of projects.
- See My Older Resumé for a few commercial console games I worked on (nothing fancy)
- If you want to participate to a future alpha or beta test of one of my games, send me an email: mjklaim@gmail.com
- See other sections for related skills (like programming) & projects.

- Specialized in embedded & soft-real-time programming, focus on long-term architectures in an asynchronous world.
- Interested in all kinds of programming subjects, in particular how to make programming better.
- Github
- StackOverflow
- Part of CPP-Frugs, the French C++ user-group. Meetups happens here.
- Sometimes participate to Boost and C++ Standard Study Groups and other C++ communities.
- I Was there:
Comics / Manga / BD(french) Maker
(original host is dead, will have to change host to read re-publish these, dont hold your breath)
- Life Turtle:
- english version
- french version
- Buble Wars
- Trois Tempêtes (fr - abandonned):
- Part of a comics (can't explain it):
- Some Sketches:

Digital Story-Telling
Art Of Sequence: https://artofsequence.org
This is both an idea and a set of tools to help with making born-digital stories.